Monday, January 18, 2010

Honest Tea

Snapple may say they have the best stuff on earth. Well, they must have never tried Honest Tea. This tea, which is completely natural and organic, actually tastes like tea! Imagine that. Peach White Tea is by far the best thing I have ever tasted. Ever. It's just a tad sweet with a hint of peach, which lets the organic Fair Trade Certified white tea really shine through. Even if you are not a fan of tea, the Peach White is really a good flavor for everyone because white tea is very delicate and not strong like many others. Plus, white tea has the most health benefits because it is the least processed tea. Try this stuff. It is bottled heaven.

Also, Seth and Barry, the creators of Honest Tea, have a different little paragraph on each of the bottles explaining the stories behind their teas. It really gets you involed in your drink, and puts you behind this company's goals. Another thing I love about this tea is they put the exact amount of caffeine each drink has on the back in both mg per serving and it's relation to how much caffeine coffee has (Peach Oo-La-Long tea, the one I am drinking as I write this, has 1/4 the caffeine of coffee which is 24.3 mg per serving). This comes especially in handy for me because I am so sensitive to caffeine, so I know I'll be OK if I drink Peach Oo-La-Long in the morning but I should probably just drink the caffeine free Black Forest Berry at night.

Seriously, try this stuff. Honest Tea Inc. is really a company you can get behind as they recognize their impact on the earth and our bodies, and, well, their tea is just amazingly delicious!

"Never mistake motion for action" - Ernest Hemingway (the quote inside my Peach Oo-La-Long tea)

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